Tuesday, 26 August 2014

I Need To Read More Books...

I'm a self confessed book worm. I love reading, always have, always will but recently the amount of books I have read has dwindled and not through lack of books (I have plenty that I haven't read yet) but lack of time. After uni breaks up for the summer holidays I always run out of time to read after spending the day at work or just spending time with friends. It doesn't help either that sometimes when I have the time to and want to read a book on my Kindle I go to turn it on to find it has ran out of battery (mainly because I forget to charge it up!!)

However, come the end of September I should have more time to read books. I will make it another of my mid year resolutions (like the one to wear more clothes... Click Me!!) and theoretically it shouldn't be hard to keep since I will travelling to uni on the buses again which will give me more time to read (as long as I don't get travel sick!!)

So hopefully this time next year I will have cleared most of my back log of unread books ready to buy some more!
I have a very varied taste! Can't beat a good ol' Agatha Christie though!

I am also one of those people who likes to read the book before watching the film so hopefully I will have finished reading The Fault In Our Stars before the film comes out of DVD so I can judge whether it will make me cry or not!!

Anyway thats enough from me at the moment!! Will do another post in the week with my reply to the latest Dear Helen Check it out!! and maybe another one with my favourite books what do you reckon??


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