Monday, 27 February 2017

Life Update

"Nobody said it was easy, No one ever said it would be this hard. Oh, take me back to the start" Coldplay 

So, where to begin. The last time I posted on here I had just finished university and was a few weeks away from graduating and starting teacher training.
Now, I'm a qualified teacher and working as a supply. Granted its not exactly how I planned it out. When I was training, I had this image in my head of going straight from being a trainee to finding my first job as a newly qualified teacher. Over a year later i'm still looking. It does get disheartening, especially with the amount of job applications I have sent off and the jobs I have really wanted. But through all of it, I know one day, the job that is right for me will turn up and when it does, I will be prepared for it. Especially since now I know all of the hard work that goes into being the best teacher I can be.